The Thought-police

LAPD to build data on Muslim areas – Los Angeles Times By Richard Winton, Jean-Paul Renaud and Paul Pringle, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers, November 9, 2007

Los Angeles Police Department Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing, who heads the bureau, defended the undertaking as a way to help Muslim communities avoid the influence of those who would radicalize Islamic residents and advocate “violent, ideologically-based extremism.”

“We are seeking to identify at-risk communities,” Downing said in an interview Thursday evening. “We are looking for communities and enclaves based on risk factors that are likely to become isolated. . . . We want to know where the Pakistanis, Iranians and Chechens are so we can reach out to those communities.”

It was quite distressing to hear Downing on NPR calmly explain how important it is to turn in anyone you think might be inclined — inclined — towards persuasion to violence. Thought-policing is good for the Homeland! mjh

PS: Please, comrade, tell the neighborhood Thought Enforcer that this writer is as peaceful as a lamb. Praise be to The Decider!

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