More Rightwing Nonsense

I held my nose and fought my gag reflex to push my way through a recent column by Victor Davis Hanson, the corporate shill. His thesis today is that Obama is Big Brother. I’m not interested in debunking his, ahem, insights, although I’m certain they will sweep through the community of Deep Thinkers faster than a photo of Obama with a swastika carved in a slice of watermelon.

There are just two things I won’t let stand unanswered, as futile as it is to respond to people who are intentionally ignorant and too angry to reason with.

“Once praised dissent has become subversive.” Once praised by whom, Vic? Certainly not by your side, which argued it was the duty of all citizens to shut up and take of their shoes for the good of the Homeland. (How many people actually read the PATRIOT Act. Talk about newspeak and double-think.) It’s not surprising that Hanson doesn’t understand “dissent” doesn’t mean carrying guns and signs calling for the death of the president or that simulated lynchings are not an act of moral courage. Or does Hanson believe those incidents were manufactured by leftists and the “state-run media” (no, not Fox, anymore). (I’d be laughing it I weren’t terrified by the reality that thousands of gunnuts are having wet-dreams about becoming the great liberators thanks to the overheated rhetoric of Hanson and his ilk. When blood runs in the streets, it won’t be a leftish holding the gun.)

“Bush is somehow culpable for the newly projected $2 trillion annual deficits.” Uh, “somehow”? Doesn’t Hanson remember the big taxcuts followed by the invasions of two countries, one of which was just to show Daddy who has the bigger Dick? Yes, BushCo turned a surplus into a deficit and turned taking your shoes off into an act of loyalty. Gawd love the violent, dangerous, mean, and ugly Deep Thinkers and the lies they sing to each other.

I recommend Animal Farm to Hanson. A tale about lying pigs seems more relevant to him.

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One thought on “More Rightwing Nonsense”

  1. I’ve enjoyed your posts as of late. It’s

    hitting on all the right crazy asses who delusionally think they’re being truthful when in fact they’re spreading bullshit, hate

    speech. Funny how the world works sometimes. Keep up the good work.

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